Нефть и песок О стали Компрессор - подбор и ошибки Из истории стандартизации резьб Соперник ксерокса - гектограф Новые технологии производства стали Экспорт проволоки из России Прогрессивная технологическая оснастка Цитадель сварки с полувековой историей Упрочнение пружин Способы обогрева Назначение, структура, характеристики анализаторов Промышленные пылесосы Штампованные гайки из пружинной стали Консервация САУ Стандарты и качество Технология производства Водород Выбор материала для крепежных деталей Токарный резец в миниатюре Производство проволоки Адгезия резины к металлокорду Электролитическое фосфатирование проволоки Восстановление корпусных деталей двигателей Новая бескислотная технология производства проката Синие кристаллы Автоклав Нормирование шумов связи Газосварочный аппарат для тугоплавких припоев
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=/metimg/ [scalebar] Scale bar \

align= middle > &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=/metimg/ [legend] Scale bar \

align= middle >

</TD></TR> </TABLE> </TD><TD> <TABLE width=100%>


<INPUT TYPE= image name= ref src=/metimg/ [ref] width=187\

height=150 bordercolor=#0000FF border=1><BR> <INPUT type= submit value= Refresh/Query ><BR> <SELECT multiple name= layer size=3>

<option value= soils [soils select]> soils map (GRASS)

<option value= dem [dem select]> elevation (GeoTIFF)

<option value= roads [roads select]> roads (SHAPE) </SELECT><BR>

<B>Select map(s) and click:</B><BR>

<INPUT type= radio name= mode value= browse checked>

Browse maps<BR> <INPUT type= radio name= mode value= query >

Query road map<BR> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD>

<INPUT type= radio name= zoom value=2 [zoom 2 check]>

Zoom in (2x)<BR> <INPUT type= radio name= zoom value=1 [zoom 1 check]>


<INPUT type= radio name= zoom value=-2 [zoom -2 check]> Zoom out (-2x)


<INPUT type= button value= Full map onaick= fullmap() > <INPUT type= hidden name= imgxy value= 250.5 200.5 > <INPUT type= hidden name= imgext value= [mapext] > <INPUT type= hidden name= map value= [map] > </P>



</TD></TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>


3D interpolation, 166 3D raster volume, 157 3D vectors, 131 4D interpolation, 175 aerial color image, 59 aerial photo, 210

annotation bar, 255, 257

camera, 256

focal length, 256

map scale, 256

nadir, 254

optical axis, 254

orthophoto See also orthophoto, 257 plumb line, 254 plumb point, 254 scanning, 258 segmentation, 268 aerial photography, 253

See also orthophoto, 253

albedo, 224

animations in 2D, 183

in 3D, 191 anisotropy, 162

apparent pixel radiance at sensor, 222-223 arc segments, 9 arc-node representation, 9 ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format

export, 67

import, 59 ARC/INFO Binary GRID format

import, 59 arcs

vector, 9 area measurement, 253 area size

raster map, 93

vector map, 142

areas, 8-9, 131

ASCII raster format

export, 67 import, 59 aspect, 109

ASTER/Terra satellite, 208 ASTER/TERRA, 228 ATKIS, 81

atmospheric effects, 202, 222

correction, 224 attributes, 9-10 AVHRR format

import, 60 awk, 82, 88, 95, 151, 163, 273, 367 azimuth, 16

background execution, 293

bash, 280, 354 batch mode, 280 bias, 222

BIL format

import, 60, 206 BIN format

export, 67

import, 60 binary arrays format

import, 60 bit per channel, 209 bounding gap free import, 66 boxplot, 339

brightness levels, 209-210 Brovey transformation fusion, 241 BSQ format import, 206

buffer, 118

camera calibration certificate, 255 cartesian coordinates, 14 cat, 367

category labels, 10, 69, 93, 140

assigning to raster maps, 93 category numbers, 9, 69, 140 category

cross-category reports, 115

cd, 28, 34

CD-ROM, 208, 223 CELL raster type, 55 central meridian, 16 centroid, 68 CEOS format

import, 206 CERL, xxv CGI, 273, 281, 356 channel

bandwidth, 205

correlation, 239

radiometric resolution, 205

spatial resolution, 205

spectral resolution, 205 chgrp, 28

Chi-square test, 245 chmod, 28 chown, 28

classification method

MLC, 245, 247

partial supervised, 244, 250

SMAP, 244

supervised, 244, 248

unsupervised, 244245 cluster algorithm, 245 color composites, 238 color coordinate system, 213 color index, 116

color tables, 86, 210 special, 292

columns, 9

combining of raster images, 115 complete spatial randomness, 156 condition of continuity, 158 continuous 3D field, 8 continuous data, 8

continuous fields, 53, 55, 151, 179, 292

contour lines, 107

digitizing, 137 convex hull, 146 coordinate system, 14, 16

State Plane, 19

UTM, 18 cosine correction, 225 cost surfaces, 120 covariance function, 175 covariograms, 328 cp, 306

cross-validation, 161, 166

cs2cs, 46

CSV format, 82

cut, 273, 367

CVS, 4, 271-272

d.area, 182

d.barscale, 179

d.erase, 76, 86, 88, 106, 120, 300

d.frame, 88, 142, 178, 333 d.his, 180

d.histogram, 210, 295, 300 d.legend, 86, 179, 300, 333

d.mon, 30, 85, 178

d.rast, 31, 67, 85-87, 89, 104, 106, 120, 123, 146, 169, 177, 180, 210, 290, 292-293, 295-296,

299-300, 305-306, 332-333

d.rast.labels, 179 d.rast.num, 123 d.rast.region, 274 d.redraw, 88

d.site.labels, 154, 179

d.siter, 155

d.sites, 31, 120, 154, 177, 332-333 d.sites.qual, 155 d.text, 179, 182

d.vect, 31, 74, 76-77, 106, 120, 141, 145-146, 177, 270

d.vect.area, 106, 141, 145 d.vect.labels, 141, 179 d.what.rast, 66, 87, 224, 279

d.what.sites,155 d.what.vect,74, 142 d.where, 142, 153 d.zoom, 66-67, 88-89, 141, 143

dark objects, 224

data integration, 13

data model transformations, 11

data set

Imagery See also Imagery data set, 206 Maas river bank See also Maas river bank

soil pollution, 327 Spearfish See also Spearfish data set, 28 database management systems See also

DBMS, 10 database, 9

datum transformation, 47 datum

see map datum, 16 DBMS, 10, 131, 306 DCELL raster type, 55 dcorrelate.sh, 214 debugging

shell scripts, 280

default region, 37, 41 DEFAULT WIND file, 26 DEM See also elevation model, 292 density plots, 342 density slicing, 211 developable surface, 15 diffuse irradiance, 224 digital numbers, 213 digitizer board, 131 digitizing source, 134 digitizing accuracy, 135

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